• Loretta

    Thank you.

    November 17, 2015
    • Cara

      Thanks for reading, Loretta.

      November 17, 2015
  • What a heartfelt message from you, Cara and I thank you for your wisdom and acknowledgement of the grace and love that exists in our world.
    I have thought long and hard about what would lead young men and women down such a violent and wrenching path. There is no condoning such acts of horrific darkness and in my heart there is such sadness for the senselessness of what happened. Rilke, the poet, encourages us to “love the questions as we might not be ready to live the answers.”
    So I think about how the governments of the world continue using war to try to solve very deep and real issues such as hunger, poverty, lack of education and health care. We have gone into Iraq and destabilized a great deal of the countries in the middle east. We send our young to bomb villages where innocent men women and children live.
    I went to the movies to see “The Martian” which I loved. The previews of the coming movies were so violent I had to close my eyes-assault weapons galore, people getting beat to a pulp,etc. Violence sells.
    I am convinced violence begets violence and the darkness that would lead to such atrocities I can find in myself.
    Righteousness, anger, outrage and judgments are old friends of mine and they reside in my inner home.
    I send healing to the brokenness of loved ones lost and pray the violence stops. Everywhere.
    And yes, love, compassion and mercy exist and the season is upon us where we remember how graced we are and give thanks. And I pray we somehow live into the answers.

    November 17, 2015
    • Cara

      Hi Sandy-
      Thank you for your thoughtful and passionate reply. Violence does sell – seems it taps into primal instincts in us. I not only close my eyes, but put my fingers in my ears at the previews for most movies in the theaters! Way too intense for me! I join you in praying the violence stops – and appreciate you wisely pointing out that it resides in us all. We just finished watching the movie “Love Actually” a wonderful, real Chiistmas season movie. I heartily recocmmend it!

      November 17, 2015

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