• Maggie

    Oh, Cara, this is gorgeous. My heart stopped a few times in a breathless knowing of truth. Yours and others and Ann Frank’s words gave me chills – the truth of them and that mostly I come back to them. Love, peace and joy to you. Maggie

    April 12, 2020
  • Laura Keenan Salem

    Thank you so much Cara for the lovely, inspirational piece.
    A very Happy Easter to you.

    April 12, 2020
  • Sally

    Thanks for the Easter note.
    Oceans of Love on this epic Easter morning, Sally

    April 12, 2020
  • Adrienne Rossi

    Dear Cara,
    Loved reading your message.
    Thank you,

    April 12, 2020
  • Sherry

    Thank you, Cara.

    April 12, 2020
  • If I inspired this, I’m so honored and delighted. I love the poured out energy of your words. And so sympathize with the persistent temptation to operate as if we’re on the way to something, rather than so deeply there already. In this present, complicated, painful, beautiful, scary moment.

    And in the midst of fear, we never know when we will stumble upon beauty, as the story of finding Anne Frank’s solace in Ace Hardware shows. We simply never know.

    Love you!

    April 12, 2020
  • Amy

    Thanks for sharing this Cara. Happy Easter, Happy Spring, happy day to be grateful for.
    Love you, A.

    April 12, 2020
  • Susan Peterson

    Cara, dear. Thank you for this Easter blessing. As I read it a sense of calm came over me. I’m so grateful you share your true self with us.

    Love, Sydue

    April 12, 2020
  • Rhoda. Mesker

    Cara, your message means so much to me. Reading it gave me such a feeling of calm and a quietness in my heart. You are an inspiration, giving so much beauty in your art and your spirit.
    Thank you, Rhoda

    April 12, 2020
  • Jack Cooper

    Dear Cara. Which is the most beautiful your art or your heart? Neither. They are one.
    Jack Cooper ❤️

    April 14, 2020
  • Just checking on you, lovely artist! I suspect that all of your readers would enjoy a fresh dose of your soothing words and images!

    All’s fine here in Ecuador, though the people have been prepped in the past from mosquito-born virus epidemics and then the 7,8 earthquake. Most remain compliant and hope to get through this with as little stress as possible.

    Hope all is ok in your world – even if it’s crazy outside your window.


    August 02, 2020

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